إذا لا تستطيع التسجيل في الدورة نرجو منك إرسالها لأصدقائك , ونسأل الله أن لا يحرمك الأجر
If you can’t register for the workshop, we ask you to send it to your friends, my Allah reward you for doing so.
English for Dawah Workshop
The Activity Center of Jame' Abdul-Aziz bin Baz is delighted to announce that registration is open for a new session of the 'English for Dawah' workshop which will commence on February 25, 2008 (18 Safar 1429h). The objective of the workshop is introducing basic skills in performing Dawah using English.
The workshop is a 2-hour class per week for 8 weeks; in addition to doing some simple assignments. The classes will start immediately after Magrib prayer for one hour, followed by Isha prayer break, and then continuation of the class.
To register simply visit the Center's website http://www.edawa.com. Fill in the required information, making sure that you supply correct contact information. Priority will be given to first people to register.