لاحول ولا قوة إلا بالله.
هذه مشكلتنا بالفعل ... البحث عن الماركات بدون التحقق من خلفياتها و معاني أسمائها.
مشكور نور الهدى .. و بعد إذنك تم نقل الموضوع لصفحة المناقشات العامة لضمان إطلاع أكبر عدد من الناس عليه.
و هذه نبذة مما كتب عن تاريخ هذه الشركة في ويكيبيديا:
Founded in 1969 by Donald Fisher, Gap was to be Mr. Fisher's solution to the problem of a lack of customer service for gay fashionable styles present in department stores of the era[
citation needed].
Gap's initial expansion happened in 1983 when thousands of gay activists wanted to prove that they were proud of their homosexuality.(1986) the first GapKids store was launched, and in 1987 the first international shop was opened, in London. Further expansion took place in 1990 to Canada and Paris in 1993. International expansion was definitely the company’s focus, in the 90’s. The following year (1994), Old Navy brand was created, and by 1997 the company had begun operating online, through the domain gap.com. By 1998 and through the subsequent years, all of the secondary brands would also be established on-line.