هل يعقل: بيبسي ضمن أفضل عشرة شركات للاستثمار عام 2010
Although many associate PepsiCo with its namesake carbonated drink, the company's portfolio encompasses far more than that. Not only does PepsiCo manufacture, distribute and market soft drink concentrates and beverages, it also sells ready-to-eat cereals, hot cereals and syrup. In fact, 36% of sales come from Frito Lay, its snack food company, while the North American beverage accounts for 27% and International food and beverage generates another 30%. Its most famous drink brands include Pepsi, Diet Pepsi, Mountain Dew, Gatorade, Aquafina and Tropicana, while its snack brands, aside from Lay's, include Ruffles, Doritos, Fritos, Cheetos, Quaker, Cap'n Crunch, Rice-A-Roni and Aunt Jemima. As the company continued to evolve and strengthen its portfolio of food and drink brands this year, PepsiCo booked solid third-quarter earnings of $1.09 per share or 10% more than its earnings of 99 cents in the year ago period. In April, PepsiCo announced it would seek full control of its largest anchor bottlers, The Pepsi Bottling Group and PepsiAmericas. The company is seeking to tighten its grip on the distribution business, which has become increasingly important as the company's stable of successful brands continues to grow. Then this month, PepsiCo announced that it negotiated an agreement with Dr Pepper Snapple to continue to distribute Dr Pepper drinks and other Dr Pepper Snapple products, which are currently distributed by the two anchor bottlers. PepsiCo will pay Dr Pepper an upfront fee of $900 million to seal the deal. The long-term deal will have an initial term of 20 years, with automatic 20-year renewals afterwards. In the long run, these big investments by PepsiCo could turn into a gift that just keeps on giving. "The deal provides PEP (PepsiCo) with better access to key growth demographics in the U.S. (i.e. Hispanics)," writes UBS analyst Kaumil Gajrawala in a note. PepsiCo has increased its spending in research and development, as well as infrastructure investments late in the year, causing it to lower 2009 guidance. However, Gajrawala believes this will provide the company with a successful launching pad into 2010 and beyond. "We believe PEP is building a base for what is likely to be strong double-digit EPS growth from 2010-2012," Gajrawala writes. He has a 12-month buy rating for PepsiCo with a 12-month price target of $71. "For 2010, we think the company will begin to show a turnaround in its U.S. beverages business, show strong international results and continued strength at Frito," Gajrawala said in an email. "This plus declining costs and productivity should support a solid year of beating Street estimates -- all while heavily reinvesting in the business." للمعلومية: هنالك عدة منتجات تابعة لشركة بيبسي مثل تروبيكانا وكويكر وليز(بطاطس) ومياه أكوا وغيرها عدة منتجات اخرى مكتوبة بالأحمر أعلاه.... يجب تأديب شركة بيبسي في جميع منتجاتها............ هل يعقل ان شركة بيبسي تخسر ودلك مادفعها لزيادة الأسعار...... القوائم المالية للشركة تنفي دلك بل انها حققت ارباح اضافية تزيد عن 10% لسنة 2009 مقارنة بعام 2008 المصدر: http://finance.yahoo.com/news/Top-Si....html?x=0&.v=1 |
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