يعطيكم الف عافيه
الأخ الكريم البديوي
سبق لي و واجهت مشاكل غش مشابهة لمشكلتك و لكن مع شركات مختلفة و منتجات ارخص و منها HP و Hitachi و لجات دوما الى الكتابة الى الشركة الام و ذلك بالبحث عن طريق محرك البحث( ياهو ) و من ثم ارسال رسائل الى كل موقع معني اجد فيه كلمة اتصل بنا بالانجليزي Contact us و اتتني ردوود و اجبروا ربعنا على التعاون معي ولا يتسع المجال هنا للقصص .. كتبت لك رسالة بالانجليزي تشابه ما اقوم باستخدامه لمراسلة الاجانب و لك الخيار ان تستخدمها كما هي بعد ان تضيف اسمك و معلومات اتصالك و بريدك وخلافه او تعدل عليها كما تحب لاني كتبتها من خلال قراءتي لمعاناتك و ليس كصاحب المشكلة.. بالتوفيق General Motors / Gents I would like to inform you that I really love and trust General Motors and Its products, that's why we "as a family" have decided to spend our six years of savings to buy us a new GMC Yukon 2011. The night before purchase was really a long night of family sweet dreams and discussions, me and wife choosing color, kids argue where each one is going to sit in the new car, what cartoon shows to be played on DVD and all that kind of stuff. You wouldn't believe how excited we were the moment we stepped into Aljomaih show room and there we go, the deal is done and we've got our new GM SUV. It was a great moment and great vehicle like nothing I've driven before. Unfortunately that happiness did not last longer than few days, as a matter of fact it has turned into a very big disappointment to me and my family because your agent in Saudi Arabia Aljomaih decided to end it with no mercy and without any responsibility sense when they refused to replace the car for me after discovering a major fault in the engine in the form of very loud noise with less than 5000 KMs on it. Seeing several impolite managers did not really help me in any way simply because they don't care and have no respect to customers. Now that I am very desperate I had to write to you asking for your help, please save my money from Aljomaih in any way possible and protect your business in Saudi Arabia. Following is a video clip of the car and you can hear the noise. Will always trust you and your products. Best regards. |
ما عرف ارسل علمني وانا ارسل دايركت
بعها لي بخمسين
الله يعوضك بالجنة
الساعة الآن 02:41 AM. |
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